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One thing I have learned about the most is obedience to God. Being obedient doesn’t mean to always know what to do all the time or be prepared for any and all situations. It just means to lean in to what God has for you. When He tells you to go, you go and the rest will be taken care of by God. If you are obedient, God will honor that and He will work through you. So that is what God has been doing through me and I’d like to share it with you!

So this story begins with leaving Mombasa, Kenya. We had just spent a week there with the rest of the squad and it was wonderful! There were so many areas God was growing me and shaping me, but most importantly, I was being obedient. Now our team was off to Kitale, Kenya!

Enter the rainy season of Kitale. When we arrived, it was very cold due to a high elevation. As it heated up throughout the day, we learned that it rains every afternoon in Kitale during this particular season. But through every thunderstorm that comes, I am able to see God’s power through it. His power to completely wash out roads and bring people to a stand still. His power to give rain and water to the lush rainforest and desolate deserts around us. He works all the time in so many areas, and then He continues to work through me. Through our ministry, God has been able to speak His truth through me and He has been able to share His love to unreached communities that have a need for His love. To speak more directly, through our ministry, we have worked on building new houses for single mothers and homes for children. We have shared in fellowship and prayed with widows and have been creating relationships with people all throughout the ministry. We have visited unreached communities and spoke the Gospel while also fixing water wells to allow for cleaner water sources that are in better walking distances for these communities. We have gotten the chance to impact these peoples lives and God has been able to work in their lives because of the many things He does.

God has been doing a great work through me, but mostly He has been doing a great work in me. And that’s something that has been very evident recently. God has been working on me spiritually and mentally. Through my own fears and constant spiritual warfare, God has revealed his Love to me. The devil is also evident as the lies of the evil one surround my mind constantly. The struggle continues to find a way into my heart, but God has and will continue to bring me back into His love and His forever comforting presence. Welcome to the rainy season of Kitale. Even though the rain comes and creates chaos, it will wash you clean from all the pain and it will bring life to the areas of your heart that need it.

But this is only the beginning of God’s work. By the end of our time in Kitale, God will have shown much more of His Love and I will have learned so much more about Him. Until that time though, I will sit and be obedient to Him. I am here and am leaning into what God has. He will continue to use me and He will use you, too, only if you begin to lean into Him and trust what He has for you.

3 responses to “The Rainy Season of Kitale”

  1. After every rainy season comes the sun to warm and dry our tired soul❣️Embrace what is good and endure the difficult times in prayer with God❣️Life can be a roller coaster! God’s love will carry you through❣️ We are keeping your team in prayers❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Jackson, I am so beyond joyful for you and your journey already, and I’m excited to see where it takes you!

  3. My son and daughter in law Adam and Adrianna are with you. Thank you for your update. Lord bless you and keep you. Thank you for serving others in far away lands. Brenda Borst