Okay, so imagine this. You travel to an far off location in Nepal. A village far and deep within the Himalayan hills. A jungle of sorts with hills higher than any mountain you have ever seen. Rivers that flow and no other sounds except for the birds in the trees. Peace.
We came to this village and stayed there for a while. We pitched our tents and lived here for many days not knowing what God was about to do. The first morning we woke up and explored the area. Praying over the land and the rocks that stood on them. We ate our breakfast in a small Nepali Church made from wood and mud. We began our day by crossing on swinging bridges and hiking up the hills for hours to reach unreached homes where families don’t know Jesus.
Our days looked like going meet with families and praying with them over spiritual attacks they feel. There are so many things that happen to them in the day and while they rest. They are able to experience the love of God. And they are freed from the weight they have been carrying. They have felt chained down, but no longer! Jesus has been breaking every one! And next thing you know our day has concluded. But if there is one thing I’ve learned from God, always be interruptible for Him.
In our first night, we were interrupted by God. A woman has had a miscarriage in a house up the hill. We hike up to meet with her. And in this room is where the Spirit of God came down.
Enter a room where a woman in pain is laying. This is her 3rd miscarriage. She was 8 months pregnant. She is an unbeliever and has no where else to go except for the church down the hill. Enter the Spirit of God followed by us. We begin to pray. The room is lifted and our voices rise. Tounges are carried across the room and instantly, the Spirit of God fell. Our hearts moved us to our knees. Our tears washed the floor and the Spirit filled the air. I witnessed the woman remove the dot on her forehead and confess that there can be none other than Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is Lord. But there was still evil holding her heart with chains. The Lord was breaking every one. We spent 3 hours praying for her and allowing the Spirit to move.
Now what more could I say! This was only our first day! In the days following, we would end up meeting many people.
A woman who felt in her Spirit to come and find us. So she walked about 10 miles just to ask us for prayer. Beautiful as it may be, she asked where we were from, so we said “America” and her response was “What is America?”. Many families and many people we prayed for and some received healing, but all received the love of God.
Although, we did get to meet one man with a miraculous story that must be shared. An old man paralyzed from the waist down with pain throughout his body. This man could not breathe and couldn’t walk. The team before us met him on his death bed. Those closest to him had already said their goodbyes. Death wanted to take him, but God had other plans. He received prayer by the team and in that moment, he began to breathe. He began to sit up and move! Praise God! The next day the old man was healed completely. He was out tilling his field and walking, fully healed! Praise God!
We got the chance to meet with this man and he needed prayer still. For the evil that wants to kill, steal, and destroy, desired his life. His pain returned, but in his legs, forcing him not to walk to the church like he intended to. We prayed for him as he prayed for his life as well. All of our voices were lifted to God. In the next moments, the old man has returned to his feet with no pain. Completely healed again!
Tell me this. How can pain be completely removed and also returned and then removed again, unless it is spiritual? How can it not be a spiritual battle? God moves everywhere. The spiritual will sometimes move into the physical, but thank God He is above it all!
Before I end though, I was able to meet with the pastor of the village who gave me incredible news of the woman with the miscarriage. — Days later, after we had prophesied over families and interpreted dreams, we came down to meet with the woman we met the first night. She was still in pain, but we prayed for her and husband. They both confirmed their belief in Jesus Christ in that moment and we prayed for them in their spiritual battles. But that night, as we were getting ready to leave the village the next day, the woman came with her family down the hill. She was being carried by her husband. She was in great pain. More than usual. She could not breathe and her heart was failing. She came to sleep in the church with a few members of our team to keep watch over her. Her and the family had made plans to drive with us back into the city in the morning so she could see a doctor. Throughout the night, she was attacked by demons in her dreams and she woke up in the morning still in pain. We prayed for her and her travels and prayed for God to heal her.
Many days after we had left, the pastor of the church we were with found us and told us that this woman was completely healed and that her and her husband were both attending church regularly. I and my team shouted with joy and praised Jesus for His work in their life!
This and much more than I could describe all happened in this beautiful, small Nepali village in the middle of some Himalayan hills. So our time in this Nepali village has come to an end. We loaded our trucks and drove off. Away from this beautiful village and onto our next journey in Nepal.
What more shall I say than this. That Jesus Christ is Lord and He is above all things.
This is such an amazing and miraculous account of the faithfulness in our God! You and your team are really doing the hard work! I am so proud of you and love you very much!
Praise the LORD❣️ Just as Jesus sent his disciples to witness, here you are following his calling❣️I will share your stories with my bible class❤️ Your team has made a difference in people’s lives❣️Reading your stories has only strengthened my faith❣️Keep moving forward❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️