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That has been something I have been thinking of for a while. He leads, I follow. Because that’s what it is. He leads me wherever He needs me, and I will follow Him there.

Now the beautiful thing about that is even though you are following Him, He is walking right next to you the entire time. That’s because it’s a personal relationship with God. I have learned a lot about this relationship over the last month and what I have learned is that the relationship doesn’t look perfect. It’s sometimes messy and out of order. It might never look like we want it to look like. Sometimes God speaks to us in profound ways and shows us His power in incredible experiences and miracles. But other times, He speaks a faint whisper and sometimes its hard to even discern if He is even speaking to us. Sometimes its frustrating and confusing and we can’t seem to understand why God is doing what He is doing. Sometimes we get mad at God, but it is good, because He wants to know how we feel. He wants to be part of our lives and understand everything we think and want. And that’s because no matter how frustrating or confusing the relationship may be, its always been made out of love. And that’s enough.

Three weeks ago, we landed in Mombasa, Kenya. Now, Mombasa is such a great place with wonderful food and beautiful people. However, I started to recognize the spirits of fear in my life and how the devil was trying to enter my heart. I stared to learn what spiritual warfare actually looked like! I have mentioned in a recent blog post of my deliverance from that fear, but it was in Mombasa that those revelations began to appear in my life. I learned about God’s provision over my life and the strength he gives me to extinguish the flames of the evil one. But I was still frustrated with God. I was wondering why the flamming arrows of the evil one were surrounding me. (Ephesians 6:16). I felt that I even had a thorn in my side. (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). But through that I learned about my weakness. I learned that in my weakness, God’s power is made perfect. But I also learned that once you lean into God, he can deliver you from the evil one. He will pick up the Shield of Faith to extinguish the flamming arrows. He can remove the thorn in my side. But sometimes it will not look how I want it to, it will look like how He needs it to. And one thing that makes the most difference, is to just invite God into the pain you are in. Instead of asking God to deliver you from pain, ask God to join you in it. Lean into Him, and in return, He will deliver you in Him.

There are some of you reading this that just want to know God more or hear his voice or understand how He works in your life. My advice is to go to Him. Trust in where He tells you to go, and follow Him. Lean into the uncomfortable and He will take care of you. All you have to do, is obey. He doesn’t require anything else of you, because just you is enough.

2 responses to “He leads. I follow.”

  1. Hello, Jackson!
    I have been praying for you and thinking about how good of an experience I imagine you having. I’m glad that you are able to follow God’s calling on your life with such enthusiasm, and I am also glad that I get to support you on your journey. Ironically, I came into work this morning singing an old hymn that is stuck in my head. The name? Wherever He leads I’ll go. It goes:
    “Take up thy cross and follow Me, I heard my master say. I gave My life to ransom thee, surrender your all today. Wherever He leads I’ll go, Wherever He leads I’ll go. I’ll follow my Christ who loves me so, Wherever He leads I’ll go.”

  2. YOU are an inspiration!!!! What an amazing adventure with God! It isn’t always going to be an easy ride but through your struggles it empowers you to become stronger! Its easy to be a Christian when all is well! The challenge is being a Christian during difficult times. YOU got what it takes Jackson as long as you lean towards God! So proud of you!!!!!!! Your team is blessed having you with them! Keep moving forward and don’t allow unpleasant experiences slow you down!!!!!